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Help provided by The San Diego Regional Human Trafficking & Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Advisory Council.

National Trafficking Hotline

24/7 888-373-7888 SMS 273733 (Text “help” or “info”)

The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe.

Rescue America

24/7 Hotline 713-322-8000

Rescue America exists to rescue, revive and empower the sexually exploited through a 24/7 Rescue hotline and emergency response.

National Trafficking Shelter Alliance   

Connecting survivors throughout the country with appropriate residential shelters efficiently and with dignity.

Safe House Project

(Go to “Get Help” survivors or advocates)


Safe House Project’s mission is to increase survivor identification through education, provide emergency services and placement to survivors, and ensure every survivor has access to safe housing and holistic care by accelerating safe house capacity and development across America.


Alabaster Jar Project


Counseling Services, Educational Opportunities, Health, Mental Health, Transitional Housing, comprised of Grace House, a long-term residential program; a Resource Center, a drop-in center that provides clothing, toiletries, programming and Peer Support Group.

Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition


Emergency Shelter, Hotline, Counseling, Intervention, Education, Prevention, Advocacy,  Labor Trafficking resources

Center for Community Solutions

858-272-5777, crisis hotline, 888-385-4657

CCS is a San Diego based non-profit organization dedicated to ending relationship and sexual violence. CCS’ free services include a 24/7 confidential crisis hotline, four domestic violence shelters, counseling, legal services, safety planning, prevention education and more.

Children of the Immaculate Heart

The adult program, St. Bakhita’s includes housing, case management, education, and therapy, partnership with other organizations to provide medical and psychiatric careProgram for Minors, The Refuge includes Short-Term Residential Treatment Program, program for girls to stay up to 6 months, schooling, job training, therapy.

Community Resource Center


CRC is dedicated to helping people live safe, self-sufficient lives by providing assistance in the areas of domestic violence services, food programs, , and emergency and transitional housing assistance. 

Free to Thrive

Free to Thrive assists survivors with removing legal barriers on their journey to freedom. They also connect clients to non-legal support services offered by community partners. Their legal services focus on criminal record clearing (vacatur).

Generate Hope

Generate Hope is  faith-based organization providing long term, comprehensive programs to women who have been sexually trafficked, so that they are able to reintegrate into society and walk powerfully into their futures.

Long-term Safe Housing, Psychotherapy, Education and Career Assistance, Adjunct Therapies, Medical, Dental, Optometry, Tattoo Removal, Legal, Community Education and Training.

iCare Center

iCare is a trauma informed program that provides supportive services to youth in San Diego County up to age 21 who are at risk of or who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation

Counseling Services, Educational Opportunities, Employment/Skill Training, Health, Mental Health services

International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America.

La Maestra Community Health Centers


Counseling services, Education, Educational Opportunities, Employment/Skills training, Advocacy, Medical services, Mental Health and Substance Abuse services, legal assistance, labor trafficking assistance

North County Lifeline


Counseling Services, Intervention, Education, Prevention Education, medical and mental health services, housing, transitional housing

One Safe Place, Family Justice Center


 OSP provides free support services under one roof to anyone who has experienced child abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking, domestic violence, elder abuse, hate crime, violent loss, family violence or any abuse or victimization. 

Point Loma Nazarene University, Center for Justice and Reconciliation 


Counseling services, mentors, Educational opportunities, prevention education, advocacy, OnRamps Collaborative  

Salvation Army Door of Hope 


Counseling services, Employment/Skills training, Substance Abuse counseling, housing, transitional housing

San Diego Rescue Mission 


Counseling services, Educational Opportunities, Employment/Skills training, health services, substance abuse counseling, housing, legal assistance

San Diego Youth Services 

619-521-2250 x 3816

Counseling services, Educational Opportunities, Prevention Education, Employment/Skills training, Mental Health counseling

STARS Program, San Diego Youth Services,


STARS (Surviving Together, Achieving and Reaching for Success), a trauma informed program of San Diego Youth Services, provides services for youth between the ages of 12 and 24 who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and domestic sex trafficking.

Counseling and mental health services, medical health services, legal assistance

South Bay Community Services 

619-420-3620 x 2128

Counseling services, Employment/Skills training, housing. 

Survivor Leader Network 


Counseling services, mentorship, Educational Opportunities, Advocacy

Vista Hill

Their programs range from early intervention and preventive work with children before they develop mental health issues, to youth immersed in substance use disorder to long-term special education and training for young people and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Your Safe Place, Family Justice Center 


Your Safe Place provides confidential, comprehensive services to anyone who has experienced domestic violence, family violence, elder abuse, sexual assault, or sex trafficking. At Your Safe Place we provide supportive services in a judgment-free manner that empowers clients to become survivors and move forward with their lives.

Counseling services, medical and mental health services, housing, transitional housing, legal assistance